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2012 Readings & Workshops

March 21: Berkeley, 4:00-6:00 pm: Ashby Village reading and book talk, Jewish Family and Children's Services, Suse Moyal Center, 2484 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley

May 10: Oakland, 3:30-5:00 pm: "Conversations at AgeSong," The Terrace Room, 1800 Madison, Oakland

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Next Best Thing

My friend Judy Reeves, who bills herself as a writer, teacher, and writing practice provocateur, has tagged me for the Next Best Thing—a project in which writers answer questions about their latest work, and then tag a few more writers who do the same, and so on. I'll be getting to the questions soon, but in the meantime, a few words about Judy.

I met her through my brother, who lives in Barcelona. Funny how you sometimes have to go far away to meet people who live nearby. Judy is the author of A Writers Book of Days (among other books). Culling knowledge from the hundreds of writing workshops Judy has taught, A Writers Book of Days suggests a writing prompt for every day of the year. Good prompts, too, ones that dig deep. It's a great teaching tool, as well as a way for writers to get started, shake things up, or go where they never intended.

Judy is also the co-founder and former Executive Director of the nonprofit literary center San Diego Writers, Ink. I've had the chance to both read and teach there. It's a great space and a great group of writers. The Center offers workshops, readings, writing groups, space for community writing, and a lot of special events.

I've already lined up the writers I'm going to tag for my Next Best Thing post. Now all I have to do is answer the questions myself. Until then, check out Judy's answers to the questions about her new novel, All That Isn't Singing.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Interview with Sally Gelardin for AgeSong Today.